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How to pick up crocheting... without paying for lessons.

1. Start with cheap equipment:

I started off with a crochet hook and a ball of yarn from Daiso. Of course the material is coarse and hook not so comfortable but for $2, it's a great way to start.  

2. Learn basic stitches from Youtube.

My tension technique was terrible then, but we all start from somewhere right? This started from a magic ring.

3. Take on a simple project.

Start with cylindrical container or HP case. Easiest is to start with a magic ring and continuing around a circle... and then learn how to increase the stitches in 1 round.

4. Try different types and sizes of yarn.

This is actually a pillow couch I made out of old T-shirt yarn. I basically cut up old t-shirts from my family and made it into a ball of yarn... Used a massive crochet hook and made this!

5. Play around with colours and stitches.

I tried my hand in crocheting a shell stitch... to create a different texture. Look totally different from simple single crochet stitches.

6. Make something useful.

This was my yarn bag for a while... but I quickly moved onto amigurumi. Felt it was fun making my favourite geeky characters!

There are tons of free material online to get you going. Youtube, tutorials, step by step guides... people are so generous with teaching online! I learnt the most from free resources online and I did subsequently invest in crochet books to learn new techniques.

Go have fun crocheting!

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